Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Wherein Dove is knocked out by a suitcase to the back of the head (ouch!)

By the end of the two hours every participant had a simple, but they all thought- chic new skirt to wear to the Costume ball that night. While I waited for my next class to start I was gathering my supplies and packing them into the box to ship back to my studio in Florida. I looked up to see Bash and two of his “wives” standing in the doorway.
Willow the younger of the two women spoke up first. “Dove, can we talk to you about something?”

“Sure," I replied, “What do you need?”

The second of the two women, chimed in with a fuller explanation. “We need to locate an artifact, and it’s in your area of expertise.” I laughed and replied, “Ah, then it’s something, old made of fabric and weird by our standards, very weird by mundane standards.”
All three of the self-professed vampires nodded their heads.

“Exactly,” said Willow. Bash still had not spoken at all. It occurred to me that since I had not heard him speak more than one or two softly mumbled words in well over five years.

The next group had begun to enter the room and Bash motioned for the three of us to move into the hall. Willow grabbed Rosemary and Bash’s hands and pulled them into a little alcove on the right, motioning me to follow. What, I wondered,was such a big secret? What I do is challenging and time consuming but it isn't brain science and it’s hardly ever cause for secrets in halls?

“You know about the bra,” hissed Willow.

Oh crap, not the bra again.

“No, I don’t, what the heck is this thing?”

Just then I was hit really hard in the back of the head from behind with a rollie suitcase. When I came to my class was standing over me and the vampires were gone.

From a far distance I heard some girl ask, “If she’s not going to get up and teach the class do you think we can get our money back?”

PS Dove's adventures began here:

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